Newsletters 2024
December 2024
Reflecting on 2024 - 2025
I look onto the horizon...
I see vastness...
I reflect on the year that is behind us-2024
The turns that tested the human spirit
The intensity and chaos that tested our reserve
And yet...
I believe.
I see the light...
I fear not the darkness for I know light overcomes dark always
I know for each person who does a wrong there are many more who do what is right
I see the millions of light-workers each day
I see the angels who grace our world, those whose names and faces are not known to us.
We have journeyed far together
We have broken barriers of thought
We have through the challenges of the last years, come to a deeper understanding
of our world and self.
And today...
We all yearn for peace
For the simplicity of it all
The moments too precious, not returned
we have learned to embrace.
The authentic self has emerged
It has heard the whispers of the soul
And now, it is ready to fly
Ready to claim its place in this grand home of life.
The horizon looks vast before me
"All is possible if we believe", I hear
"Live in the truth of the soul's journey
And do not give up on each other...
Then all is possible.".
And 2024...
We bow to the lessons
We hold a space of gratitude
for it brought us closer to the core of us.
And as 2025 starts to walk closer
We hold faith in our heart
We hold belief in our being
We hold love in our soul
Look with me...
See the rainbow...
Full of colors, of possibilities
See the rise of humanity
See the channels of peace and harmony...
And then and then only
Will we hear the Earth sigh a sigh of relief
And the Skies will shower us with Rains
And we will then understand-
We have arrived.
We are ready.
We honor this space today and claim it.
We will walk into the final days of this year
With this knowing, that love and faith,
Will carry us home,
To the heart of Love.
November 2024
The Change
As the November leaves are changing color and falling onto the ground, we feel the beauty and magic of this glorious season, Autumn.
As the leaves, so much in our world is being released, in transition. It is truly quite unbelievable. In a sense our world has changed so much in the last decade, or even just from 2020 and Covid. As so much has changed, the question becomes, have we?
Have we changed and released old patterns that do not serve us? Are we letting go, and allowing in the new perspectives?
I know this is a critical time in our world, as war and much unrest have escalated. And in the US, the next president will be chosen in a matter of days. It seems as if much is in chaos, disarray, and in division everywhere we look.
The intensity and the tragic and disheartening news of our world in the last months have been incredibly difficult to understand and cope with. In Gaza, Syria, Lebanon, Iran, Afghanistan, Ukraine, Russia, Yemen, Israel, North and South Korea, and within the US itself, there has been such turbulence. I am sure I have missed a few.
And yet, this amazing thing called the human spirit continues each day to believe, despite all the terrible news, despite all the negativity, and toxicity that we have all been fed on a daily basis. Each of us continues to strive for, to believe, to hope, for a more peaceful, humane world. For you see, each of us is pretty incredible, we truly are...for we are beings that have been woven with light and love.
I know we may at times lose belief or have momentary lapses of questioning faith, but I also know the human spirit so yearns to believe in a better world, a better life, a more fulfilling and joyful existence.
Recently doing a workshop with Afghan Refugees, I could see the scars of war and depression, and yet, I also witnessed something else...the deepest prayer and wish of a better life, one of security and peace lay in each heart.
November brings with it, that - a belief, and at the same time, by its end it brings with it a possible new footing for our world and countries, no matter where in the world we may be. You see, we are individually and globally at that pinnacle, of needing to choose, to decide. And we will spend many of the winter months in reflection, preparing for what we will put forth next Spring.
The Fall, true to its actual meaning, is about the "fall" and at its end, it is about the "rise" of our consciousness...it is about the letting go, and allowing in.
So, as you are walking through the orange, green, and yellow leaves, and watching the branches say goodbye to them, know that in just a few months, there is a budding of the new, a rebirth, an awakening. And with this, there is the birth of once again that belief - the magic and hope of a more fulfilling life...if we just are open to a new window of thought, a new way of seeing through the open doors, and cracked windows...perspective.
May we always remember, that we, each of us, is that belief, that magic, and that inspiration.
September & October 2024:
As mentioned at the start of the year, 2024 is the year of transformation. And now, we stand at this threshold. Hopefully, we have embraced the challenges and worked through them, learned and gained further insight and knowledge, and now with this newfound wisdom, we are ready, to step into our truth and claim it.
In the Vulnerability Chapter in my new book, The 11 Pillars of Self-Realization, I speak about transformation- a process that begins with vulnerability. I use the example of the caterpillar, who needs to be vulnerable to become a butterfly - ready to explore and live in its true essence - of freedom and liberation.
Transformation requires our vulnerability, our courage, our allowance, and of course, our honesty. As we step into September, and slowly Autumn, we heed this message from Nature. As the trees, we also want to let go of that which no longer serves us. We want to allow the flow, and see the glorious colors that entice our senses, awakening us to splendor, to joy, belief, and further awakening. We each desire and yearn to live our truest essence, to stand on the grounds that will serve our soul's mission in this life, to give it further meaning, purpose, and joy.
Courage does not come through strength but through vulnerability. As we see the cracks, the light pours in, and we reconnect to the whispers of our soul, and through this, courage finds its way into the corridors of our being. And with a newfound belief and conviction we take our steps.
The noise of our world is loud, but much of that is just that - noise. And for obvious reasons, this is heightened in this Autumn. We can choose to quiet the noise and connect to our inner realm, where we will hear the whispers.
Individually and globally we are at this threshold. The big question is what do we wish to choose? Choice...this powerful doorway will be upon us and our world.
Do we choose to release and invite in the beautiful colors, or do we choose to watch them from afar, for that is a choice too. It will be clear, for the Light of Truth is visible from miles away. And I trust that each of us in our heart, in our depth, knows the truth that resides within.
And for our world...these two months bring many choices. Many of those in the field of metaphysics have spoken that a new world order that is more light-driven will be upon us.
I believe each day is light-driven. However, I understand what they mean. Our choices, dictate much of what we wish for our world. And how we each step into our days creates an energy and ripple effect in our Universe. That is how everything in
Hasti (Existence) is connected.
As September will bring clarity and decisions, October brings it all together, trying to quiet the noise amidst the big splashes. This requires space.
It is up to us to not give in to panic, and the intense energies that elections can bring, but rather with objectivity, decipher facts from fiction, truths from untruths, and noise from information.
As we heed messages from Nature, and we slowly walk into Autumn, as the trees we will also bask in the magic of this glorious season. We will shed skin, and as the caterpillar, we will become the butterfly.
So, as you walk onto the meadows and fields, and see the beautiful butterflies, take a moment to connect to their beautiful journey of transformation that they just have taken. You will see such grace.
And may this inspire you further to transform and channel your challenges to opportunities of inner openings, that will lift you to your flight.
O Great Unseen,
As I step into each day
May I hear the whispers
May I sit at the Altar of Truth
And may I embrace what has always been intended for me...
To be free
To be the dance
To be the flight
To be the light I am.
Summer 2024​
Summer Flow
So much to say in this small space...
It is almost Summer, and in other parts of the world, Winter.
Both are passages that we identify with as relaxation, or hibernation, in a sense.
And yet, truly, is not each season about all the aspects of life? Do we not work in the summer months or not exercise in the winter? Does eating, sleeping, working, joy, or inner healing, stop at any specific time or season?
Life does not ever cease to stop, and each day, each moment, we have this amazing opportunity and blessing, to live, and to be grateful, fully, embracing all the beauty and bounty we have been given.
As you, I hear the stories, and the news, but in recent months as I have been finishing my new manuscript and getting it ready for its birth into our world, I have been much less engaged in the news.
And yet...I can still feel the energies, the unsettling times we are in, and how they have truly affected our world and our individual lives.
So much has changed in the past few years, and in a way, our world is different now. But, some things never change, and I pray will never change.
Love, being the highest on that list, and belief.
How do we cope with the barrage of information coming at us, with our burdens, and our disappointments, of what could have been, or should have been...
I know no other way but love and belief.
The love that flows and glows in the darkest of winter nights and amidst the golden rays of the summer days, the love that stems from a belief & faith, the love that knows kindness, compassion, forgiveness, and empathy.
A love that is shared, that is known, that is seen and felt.
This is the love that I am talking about...it is all-encompassing and is present in each breath and moment.
No matter the noise, no matter the turbulent waves, this love does not waiver, for it comes from a higher wisdom, an innate knowing, that we are each love itself. And as each of us travels from this earthly journey into the next, all that remains is love.
So, whether you are reading this from Brazil or India, the US, or Iran, it makes no difference. For what unites us is love, what saves us is love, and what sustains us is love.
May this season and all seasons to come, have you bask in this, the love of self, the love of others, the love of belief, the love of the Unseen.
And may we all unite in this one concept - love.
May 2024
The Soul...The Choice
Life, choices, and what we crave...those are the themes that seem always to be present. And in this glorious May, this seems to me to be more accentuated.
Have we been listening to the whispers of our soul? Have we been heeding its message?
After all, the soul, always knows what it wants, it knows what doesn't resonate with it, and always nudges us. The soul does not lie. It knows its truth.
And yet, many of us feed the frenzy of the external world, running from A to B, trying to catch the wind, where the only wind to catch is the inner breeze of awakening and realization.
We each find excuses of sorts and change the dialogue of our inner realm, because many times what the soul is guiding us to require us to make decisions, to make choices, and these choices require our courage and saying goodbye to certain arrangements, people, etc.
Recently, I was talking to a young woman who believed she was confused. But as I spoke to her more, I realized she was very clear, knew her truth, and knew her voice. What was hard for her, was to change her reality, to say goodbye to the comforts or rather discomforts that she had become comfortable with in her life. This was what she was having a hard time accepting and processing.
As this year, to me, calls us to have courage, innovation, and step into our authentic selves, I see how many are having this conflict, the conflict between the soul, and the choices they need to make. But, what we may need to take into account, is no matter how comfortable we think we are with our choices, if they are not our truth, we will not feel fulfilled, and a big part of our life will feel that void- of the resonance of truth.
My recommendation?
Take some time out for you...
Hear the whisper...
Let it guide you...
And know your authentic self,
your truth,
your being,
is waiting for you to say, yes, I hear you, and honor you.
This can be the gift of this beautiful Spring, that we can gift ourselves with.
With Belief and Heart,
The Quiet Joy and The Passions of the Heart
As we look onto the Skies, no matter where in this world we are, we see the vastness, the clouds inviting us to dream, and the glorious Sun tantalizing our senses.
It is almost Spring in parts of the world, and in other parts, it is Autumn, two magical seasons where Nature mesmerizes us with her colors and magnificent beauty. It is almost the Solstice, and Nowruz, the Persian New Year celebrated by many countries. This is a link if you want to know more about it - https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nowruz. It seems that on many levels we are being invited to begin anew, to discover our dreams, our hopes, and our way into this amazing terrain that we call life.
March sits quietly, and in its last ten days, creates an inner stir, as the Full Moon is an Eclipse, a powerful passage, beckoning us to reflect on our relationships, and supporting us to close the pages on certain chapters, releasing that which no longer serves us. The moon gently guides us to this, awakening us to the deeper messages and intuitions of our soul, as April will boldly awaken us, calling us to take action, and firing us up with passion, and inspiration.
We get our guidance from Nature, and this is a gift we have been given so graciously.
So as the external world is making much noise, in March let us find our stillness, our quiet. Let us walk through it, not run through it, let us embrace the moments, not wish them away for a better day. For in truth, today, this moment can be that better day, if we sit in our space of gratitude and reverence of all that is before us - a beautiful tapestry of color tantalizing all our senses.
And in April, let us take our steps with purpose, not impulse, allowing our deeper desires and beliefs to help us pave the way to begin, the beginning stages of what we wish to manifest.
No matter, what may transpire within you, no matter if it feels uncertain, or uneasy, let it come...as waves they will find their way and their flow. Life is this ebb and flow, and March and April do this dance...a graceful ballet followed by the powerful pulse of flamenco.
So my dear ones, may the rains purify our world...
May the Moon guide our way on...
And may the glorious Sun ignite in us that wonder, and joy, that is our essence.
With Inspiration and Belief,
February 2024
Insight into 2024 - Year of the Dragon
Blessed be our world, and blessed be our steps as we walk into the powerful year of the Wood Dragon and the 8 Universal Year. May our world truly embrace humanity this year and experience a much more peaceful walk.
February 10th marks the beginning of the Dragon period -
A year of transformation, courage, determination, and change.
This is the year of "The Rise of the Phoenix", and no longer will there be hesitancy and pause as most will want to spring into action immediately. This need for action will create much impulse and frenzy.
The huge planetary shifts of the Dragon year will bring big changes to our world stage and our individual lives, as the Dragon does not know how to do small and all things may at times feel bigger than life.
The Dragon is the only animal sign in Chinese Astrology based on mythology. And for those of you, like myself, who were mesmerized by the series Merlin, it has always appeared in stories and tales as creatures with great powers of creating or destroying. In the West, we do not know that in Chinese mythology, Dragons belong to the Heavenly Realms, and are quite magical, with beneficent qualities. They take their home in the clouds and the waters. They are quite magical, with a faith and courage that seems innate, creating blessings and rains.
What does this really mean when we assess the energies of 2024?
As a guide of over 40 years, I know everything is energy- hair is energy, smiles are energy, and money is energy...all have an energetic essence. And this year the energy is about freedom and liberation - the Rise of the Phoenix. You may have each felt this, a need for big change, or felt more decisive, or bold. The energy can be fiery creating impulsiveness or feeling overwhelmed at times, but this can be balanced with taking deep breaths, pausing, not running but walking. For yes, we want to embrace the opportunities and growth and change, but at the same time, we want to enjoy the ride, taking in all the hills and valleys, and the path itself. And we want to be sure if taking huge leaps, our footing is strong.
For our world, I pray that this powerful energy will not falsely feed egos and greed, but rather will be the birth of something much more beautiful and far-reaching-peace. It is really up to each of us, how we walk our journey and how we choose to experience it. And I truly hope that we can reside in our truth, hear the whispers of our soul, and in this big energetic year, we take the time, to meditate, pray, and embrace all the magical wonders of being.